Hydrant measurement
All measurement data for pressure, flow, temperature, turbidity and (conductivity) are transmitted live from the hydrant tester to the app and the measurement reports and diagrams are displayed directly as a preview.
The control of the measuring device can be done easily and intuitively via the wasserkarte.info app.
Hydrant measurementHydrant maintenance
During or after carrying out a hydrant maintenance, the work and the findings can be easily documented via the wasserkarte.info app.
Therefore, individual checklists with various kinds of functional fields are available. The user can also be reminded of outstanding or imminent maintenance works within his area of responsibility.
All checklists can be individually customised and thus perfectly fit your requirements and help you to perform hydrant maintenance efficiently.
The control of the measuring device can be done easily and intuitively via the wasserkarte.info app.
Hydrant maintenanceQR-Codes
Our weatherproof QR code labels make it possible to link each object to the data record in the app. The codes are uniquely coded at the factory, making confusion impossible.
QR codesPartner
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the province of Upper Austria. You can find more information on IWB/EFRE at www.iwb2020.at.